WYSIWYG Editor Module

Last modified by Admin on 2025/01/28 11:27

pencilGeneric API for all WYSIWYG content editors.
Developed by

XWiki Development Team

0 Votes
LicenseGNU Lesser General Public License 2.1

Installable with the Extension Manager


This module provides a generic API that can be used by any WYSIWYG editor that wants to integrate with XWiki. Besides that, it also publishes a section in the Wiki Administration to configure the default WYSIWYG content editor.

Generic API

This module provides the following APIs:

  • clean HTML coming from a WYSIWYG editor
  • convert between (annotated) HTML and wiki syntax
  • round-trip conversion (go from annotated HTML to wiki syntax and back, which is useful if you want to render the wiki syntax rendering macros)
  • an HTTP filter to convert automatically the value of specific HTTP request parameters from HTML to wiki syntax
  • import content from office attachments
  • a script service ($services.wysiwyg) that exposes most of the above, plus adds support for:
    • checking if a specific wiki syntax can be edited by a WYSIWYG editor
    • retrieving the HTML syntax used by the WYSIWYG editor
    • render a specific page template (the WYSIWYG editor content template)

Administration Section

The administration section allows administrators to configure the default WYSIWYG content editor, which is useful in case multiple installed extensions provide WYSIWYG content editing capability.


WYSIWYG Editor Integrations

The following WYSIWYG editor integrations are available:

Prerequisites & Installation Instructions

We recommend using the Extension Manager to install this extension (Make sure that the text "Installable with the Extension Manager" is displayed at the top right location on this page to know if this extension can be installed with the Extension Manager).

You can also use the manual method which involves dropping the JAR file and all its dependencies into the WEB-INF/lib folder and restarting XWiki.


Dependencies for this extension (org.xwiki.platform:xwiki-platform-wysiwyg-api 17.0.0):

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