XWiki Preferences
Last modified by Simon Urli on 2024/02/20 09:06
Class Properties
- Parent Space (parent: String)
- Multi-Lingual (multilingual: Boolean)
- Default Language (default_language: String)
- Authenticated Edit (authenticate_edit: Boolean)
- Authenticated View (authenticate_view: Boolean)
- Plugins (plugins: String)
- Skin (skin: Page)
- Color theme (colorTheme: Database List)
- Icon theme (iconTheme: Database List)
- Default Stylesheet (stylesheet: String)
- Alternative Stylesheet (stylesheets: String)
- Enable extra accessibility features (accessibility: Boolean)
- Default Editor (editor: Static List)
- Copyright (webcopyright: String)
- Editbox Width (editbox_width: String)
- Editbox Height (editbox_height: String)
- Title (title: String)
- Version (version: String)
- HTTP Meta Info (meta: TextArea)
- Date Format (dateformat: String)
- Use eMail Verification (use_email_verification: Boolean)
- Menu (menu: TextArea)
- Admin eMail (admin_email: String)
- SMTP Server (smtp_server: String)
- SMTP Port (smtp_port: String)
- Server username (optional) (smtp_server_username: String)
- Server password (optional) (smtp_server_password: String)
- Additional JavaMail properties (javamail_extra_props: TextArea)
- Validation eMail Content (validation_email_content: TextArea)
- Confirmation eMail Content (confirmation_email_content: TextArea)
- Invitation eMail Content (invitation_email_content: TextArea)
- Obfuscate Email Addresses (obfuscateEmailAddresses: Boolean)
- Anonymous (registration_anonymous: Static List)
- Registered (registration_registered: Static List)
- Authentication Active Check (auth_active_check: Boolean)
- Macros Languages (macros_languages: String)
- Anonymous (edit_anonymous: Static List)
- Macros for Velocity (macros_velocity: String)
- Registered (edit_registered: Static List)
- Macros for Groovy (macros_groovy: String)
- Anonymous (comment_anonymous: Static List)
- Registered (comment_registered: Static List)
- Macros for the Wiki Parser (macros_wiki: String)
- Macros Mapping (macros_mapping: TextArea)
- Maximum Upload Size (upload_maxsize: Number)
- Enable CAPTCHA in comments for unregistered users (guest_comment_requires_captcha: Boolean)
- Default document syntax (core.defaultDocumentSyntax: String)
- Make document title field mandatory (xwiki.title.mandatory: Boolean)
- Activate the tagging (tags: Boolean)
- Activate the backlinks (backlinks: Boolean)
- Panels displayed on the left (leftPanels: String)
- Notification Pages (notification_pages: String)
- Panels displayed on the right (rightPanels: String)
- Display the left panel column (showLeftPanels: Boolean)
- Render velocity code (renderXWikiVelocityRenderer: Boolean)
- Render Groovy code (renderXWikiGroovyRenderer: Boolean)
- Display the right panel column (showRightPanels: Boolean)
- Width of the left panel column (leftPanelsWidth: Static List)
- Render Wiki syntax (renderXWikiRadeoxRenderer: Boolean)
- Width of the right panel column (rightPanelsWidth: Static List)
- Supported languages (languages: String)
- Internationalization Document Bundles (documentBundles: Page)
- Time Zone (timezone: Time Zone)
- Ldap (ldap: Boolean)
- Ldap server adress (ldap_server: String)
- Ldap server port (ldap_port: String)
- Ldap login matching (ldap_bind_DN: String)
- Ldap password matching (ldap_bind_pass: Password)
- Validate Ldap user/password (ldap_validate_password: Boolean)
- Preferred page width (pageWidth: Static List)
- Ldap group filter (ldap_user_group: String)
- convert email type (convertmail: String)
- Ldap group to exclude (ldap_exclude_group: String)
- Ldap base DN (ldap_base_DN: String)
- Ldap UID attribute name (ldap_UID_attr: String)
- Ldap user fields mapping (ldap_fields_mapping: TextArea)
- Update user from LDAP (ldap_update_user: Boolean)
- Update user photo from LDAP (ldap_update_photo: Boolean)
- Attachment name to save LDAP photo (ldap_photo_attachment_name: String)
- Ldap photo attribute name (ldap_photo_attribute: String)
- Ldap groups mapping (ldap_group_mapping: TextArea)
- LDAP groups members cache (ldap_groupcache_expiration: String)
- LDAP groups sync mode (ldap_mode_group_sync: Static List)
- Try local login (ldap_trylocal: Boolean)
- Show document annotations (showannotations: Boolean)
- Show document comments (showcomments: Boolean)
- Show document attachments (showattachments: Boolean)
- Show document history (showhistory: Boolean)
- Show document information (showinformation: Boolean)
- Enable version summary (editcomment: Boolean)
- Make version summary mandatory (editcomment_mandatory: Boolean)
- Enable minor edits (minoredit: Boolean)
- You can use the class editor to add or modify the class properties.
Existing Pages
The following pages have objects described by this class.
Class Sheets
Before using this class you must first create a sheet and a template for it. Follow the instructions below to do this.
The following class sheets are bound to this class: